ACE Leadership


- Insights and Tools to be the Best Version of Yourself

A joint venture between Prasinum, Cross River and Bring Örnroth Consulting

About Us

ACE Leadership - dedicated to the growth of you and your business

ACE Leadership is built on a foundation of curiosity; on a desire to explore the world and understand what makes it - and the creatures inhabiting it - tick. We know how hard it can be to be a new leader, and how finding a sounding board worth the effort can be once you have reached the top.

The joint venture was formally created in 2024, but our collaboration goes back many years: we have been leaders and educators together and in different areas of business, we have done business and operational development together as well as in completely different settings. We are all trained coaches and work according to the ICF framework.

In this joint venture, we want to bring our insights and all our knowledge and experience together in an offering where coaching, leadership development, team development and training are the cornerstones.

Learn more about the individuals that work for ACE Leadership below, and check out our offering for inspiration - if you do not find exactly what you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact us.


Annelie Nergård

ceciLia bring Örnroth


Our Services

Leadership Development

Our concept for developing leaders is based on a number of modules that can be put together in different way to create different emphasis depending on your goal and needs.

Each module exists in two versions: one introductory and one in-depth, making it possible to design half-day programs that span many areas of leadership on an introductory level as well as programs with several meet-up over the span of a year or more with in-depth training in each segment. We also offer leadership development programs in combination with individual coaching in order to further enhance the effect of the training.

Modules in selection:

  • Being a manager and a leader

  • Tools for a strategic approach

  • Building a team

  • Communication and change management

  • Conflicts and difficult conversations


Our coaching services are delivered as individual sessions of 60-90 minutes each, and available in packages of 5 or 10 sessions.

The value of coaching lies in the unleashing of the potential that lies within you, accomplished via facilitated untangling and clarification of your thoughts and ideas. The topic of each session is defied by your overall goal and what is important to you at the time we meet. To succeed, all you need is to be motivated and open to change: our methodology and the coaching process will do the rest. We meet in person or digitally.

Overview of packages:

  • Trial session: free

  • Package of 5 sessions

  • Package of 10 sessions

Contact us